Json Generator


Generates random float between -2147483647 and 2147483647


  • dcLength - amount of decimals.
  • min - Min value
  • max - Max value
    "distance": "@randomFloat"  // 23153.2
                    // ...
                    // or
    "height": "@randomFloat:2,40,200"  //155.26



Generates a random integer between min and max. By default, an integer is generated between -2147483647 and 2147483647


  • min - Min value
  • max - Max value
    "length": "@numberBetween",
    "name": "@firstName"
                    // output

    "length": 128393278,
    "name": "Lillie"
    "age": "@numberBetween:18,36",
    "name": "@firstName"
                    // output

    "age": 35,
    "name": "Mack"


Returns a random integer with 0 to nbDigits digits.


  • nbDigits - Defaults to a random number between 1 and 9
  • strict - Whether the returned number should have exactly nbDigits (true/false)
    "age": "@randomLengthNumber",
    "name": "@firstName"
                    // output

    "age": 2570,
    "name": "Douglas"
    "age": "@randomLengthNumber:2,true",
    "name": "@firstName"
                    // output

    "age": 42,
    "name": "Ressie"


Documentation and examples for header, navbar, sidebar, footer


Generate a string containing random single word.

No Args:

    "saySomething": "@word"
                    // output

    "saySomething": "debitis"


Generates a random character from the alphabet.

No Args:

    "randomElm": "@randomLetter"
                    // output

    "randomElm": "w"


Generate an array containing a specified amount of random words. Optionally, a second boolean parameter can be supplied. When true, a string will be returned instead of an array.


  • nb = 3 : count of words (min = 0, max = 50)
  • asText = false : if true string will be returned instead of an array.
    "saySomething": "@words"
                    // output

    "saySomething": [
    "saySomething": "@words:4,true"
                    // output

    "saySomething": "maiores natus et assumenda"


Generate a sentence containing a given amount of words. By default, 6 words is used. Optionally, a second boolean parameter can be supplied. When false, only sentences with the given amount of words will be generated. By default, sentence will deviate from the given amount by +/- 40%.


  • nbWords = 6 : (min = 0, max = 100)
  • asText = true
    "saySomething": "@sentence"
                    // output

    "saySomething": "Ex facere quia fugiat minima corrupti distinctio vitae."


Generate an array containing a given amount of sentences. By default, 3 sentences are generated. Optionally, a second boolean parameter can be supplied. When true, a string will be returned instead of an array.


  • nb = 3 : (min = 0, max = 100)
  • asText = false
    "letter": "@sentences"
                    // output

    "letter": [
        "Cupiditate pariatur eum debitis dolor.",
        "Dolorum aspernatur sint voluptas ex aut doloremque eum.",
        "Aliquid mollitia repudiandae officiis nam rerum accusantium ab."


Generate a paragraph of text, containing a given amount of sentences. By default, 3 sentences are generated. Optionally, a second boolean parameter can be supplied. When false, only sentences with the given amount of words will be generated. By default, sentences will deviate from the default word length of 6 by +/- 40%.


  • nbSentences = 3 : (min = 0, max = 100)
  • variableNbSentences = true
    "letter": "@paragraph"
                    // output

    "letter": "Rerum vel rerum beatae quibusdam. Consequatur sed quo explicabo aut consequuntur. Et non aut accusantium. Est dicta iure temporibus est doloribus quisquam dolor."


Generate an array containing a given amount of paragraphs. By default, 3 paragraphs are generated. Optionally, a second boolean parameter can be supplied. When true, a string will be returned instead of an array.


  • nb = 3 : (min = 0, max = 20)
  • asText = false
    "text": "@paragraphs"
                    // output

    "text": [
        "Hic et eveniet error aut. Molestiae rem libero voluptatem voluptatibus. Ea porro qui aut suscipit ratione officia.",
        "Quam et aut aspernatur perferendis. Qui illo in qui dolores in asperiores nesciunt ad.",
        "Beatae consequatur voluptatem rerum quaerat eius. Similique dignissimos facere a aliquid quis. Rerum veniam temporibus eos quidem ratione illo. Dolorem atque dolor accusantium accusamus libero nihil."


Generate a random string of text. The first parameter represents the maximum number of characters the text should contain (by default, 200).


  • maxNbChars = 200 : (min = 0, max = 300)
    "text": "@text"
                    // output

    "text": "Corporis ab ullam ut mollitia numquam iure aut quia. Provident earum perferendis dolorem quo. Laboriosam minus et a adipisci tempora sed. Maiores quo enim ut nostrum."


Generate a random name


  • gender = null : (gender = male/female)
    "name": "@firstName"
                    // output

    "name": "Sedrick"
    "name": "@firstName:female"
                    // output

    "name": "Mathilde"


Generate a random lastname

No Args:

    "lastName": "@firstName"
                    // output

    "lastName": "Mitchell"


Generate a random email

No Args:

    "email": "@email",
    "firstName": "@firstName",
    "lastName": "@lastName"
                    // output

    "email": "[email protected]",
    "firstName": "Anastacio",
    "lastName": "Larson"


Documentation and examples for displaying typography, code, table, image and video and more..


Generate a company email.

No Args:

    "company_email": "@companyEmail"
                    // output

    "company_email": "[email protected]"


Generate a userName.

No Args:

    "coolName": "@userName"
                    // output

    "coolName": "cbartoletti"


Generate a password.

No Args:

    "password": "@password"
                    // output

    "password": "il(Iy&,AgF_''Wz("


Generate a domainName.

No Args:

    "domain": "@domainName"
                    // output

    "domain": "kessler.com"


Generate a domainWord.

No Args:

    "domainWord": "@domainWord"
                    // output

    "domainWord": "mante"


Generate a tld (top-level domain)..

No Args:

    "top_lvl_domain": "@tld"
                    // output

    "top_lvl_domain": "info"


Generate a url.

No Args:

    "profileUrl": "@url"
                    // output

    "profileUrl": "http://kuhlman.org/eum-quis-voluptates-rem-tempore-distinctio-ratione-totam-nemo.html"


Generate a slug.

No Args:

    "slug": "@slug"
                    // output

    "slug": "aut-rerum-labore-sunt-eos-architecto-quibusdam"


Generate a ipv4.

No Args:

    "clientIp": "@ipv4"
                    // output

    "clientIp": ""


Generate a local ip.

No Args:

    "localIp": "@localIpv4"
                    // output

    "localIp": ""


Generate a ip v6.

No Args:

    "serverIp": "@ipv6"
                    // output

    "serverIp": "a617:ca9d:8475:592f:4fc2:b7fb:922f:8436"


Generate a macAddress.

No Args:

    "mac": "@macAddress"
                    // output

    "mac": "D5:F6:04:94:1C:BE"



Generate a credit card type.

No Args:

    "creditCardType": "@creditCardType"
                    // output

    "creditCardType": "Visa"


Generate a credit card number with a given type. By default, a random type is used. Supported types are 'Visa', ' MasterCard', 'American Express', and 'Discover'. Optionally, a second and third parameter may be supplied. These define if the credit card number should be formatted, and which separator to use.


  • type = null,
  • formatted = false,
  • separator = '-' (valid values - _ )
    "cardNumber": "@creditCardNumber"
                    // output

    "cardNumber": "3589353656485063"


Generate a credit card expiration date. By default, only valid dates are generated. Potentially invalid dates can be generated by using false as input.


  • valid = true (between now and +36 months and between -36 months and +36 months if valid is false)
    "date": "@creditCardExpirationDate"
                    // output

    "date": {
        "date": "2025-02-21 13:06:13.000000",
        "timezone_type": 3,
        "timezone": "UTC"


Generate a credit card expiration date (string). By default, only valid dates are generated. Potentially invalid dates can be generated by using false as input. The string is formatted using m/y.


  • valid = true
    "date": "@creditCardExpirationDateString"
                    // output

    "date": "04/24"


Generate an array with credit card details. By default, only valid expiration dates will be generated. Potentially invalid expiration dates can be generated by using false as input.


  • valid = true
    "cardData": "@creditCardDetails"
                    // output

    "cardData": {
        "type": "Discover Card",
        "number": "6011178898710718",
        "name": "Delta Lynch",
        "expirationDate": "12/25"


Generate an IBAN string with a given country and bank code. By default, a random country and bank code will be used.

No Args:

    "iban": "@iban"
                    // output

    "iban": "GI96CYIJL6SH5ROW8G814AR"


Generate a random SWIFT/BIC number string.

No Args:

    "swift_bic": "@swiftBicNumber"
                    // output

    "swift_bic": "WRMVTM64"


Generate a random UUID.

No Args:

    "id": "@uuid"
                    // output

    "id": "bf91c434-dcf3-3a4c-b49a-12e0944ef1e2"

User Agent


Generate a user agent.

No Args:

    "agent": "@userAgent"
                    // output

    "agent": "Mozilla\/5.0 (iPad; CPU OS 7_0_2 like Mac OS X; sl-SI) AppleWebKit\/534.28.4 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version\/3.0.5 Mobile\/8B112 Safari\/6534.28.4"


Generate a user agent that belongs to Google Chrome.

No Args:

    "agent": "@chrome"
                    // output

    "agent": "Mozilla\/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit\/5321 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome\/38.0.862.0 Mobile Safari\/5321"


Generate a user agent that belongs to Mozilla Firefox.

No Args:

    "agent": "@firefox"
                    // output

    "agent": "Mozilla\/5.0 (Macintosh; U; PPC Mac OS X 10_6_4 rv:2.0) Gecko\/20110217 Firefox\/36.0"


Generate a user agent that belongs to Apple Safari.

No Args:

    "agent": "@safari"
                    // output

    "agent": "Mozilla\/5.0 (Macintosh; PPC Mac OS X 10_8_0 rv:4.0; en-US) AppleWebKit\/531.24.7 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version\/5.0.2 Safari\/531.24.7"


Generate a user agent that belongs to Opera.

No Args:

    "agent": "@opera"
                    // output

    "agent": "Opera\/8.61 (X11; Linux x86_64; nl-NL) Presto\/2.12.260 Version\/10.00"


Generate a user agent that belongs to Internet Explorer.

No Args:

    "agent": "@internetExplorer"
                    // output

    "agent": "Mozilla\/5.0 (compatible; MSIE 11.0; Windows 98; Win 9x 4.90; Trident\/5.1)"


Generate a user agent that belongs to Microsoft Ege.

No Args:

    "agent": "@msedge"
                    // output

    "agent": "Mozilla\/5.0 (Windows NT 4.0) AppleWebKit\/533.0 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome\/83.0.4439.35 Safari\/533.0 Edg\/83.01006.92"

Bar Code


Generate a random EAN-13 barcode.

No Args:

    "code": "@ean13"
                    // output

    "code": "4099136094683"


Generate a random EAN-8 barcode.

No Args:

    "code": "@ean8"
                    // output

    "code": "39868008"


Generate a random ISBN-10 compliant string.

No Args:

    "code": "@isbn10"
                    // output

    "code": "918784639X"


Generate a random ISBN-13 compliant string.

No Args:

    "code": "@isbn13"
                    // output

    "code": "9796229325147"

Date and time

Setting up components is very easy. Here is the Some of shortcodes describe. also, iDocs is based on Bootstrap 4, so you can easily use Bootstrap's components: Bootstrap Documentation


Generate an unix time between now

No Args:

    "unixTime": "@unixTime"
                    // output

    "unixTime": 1346397124


Generate a DateTime between January 1, 1970, and now

No Args:

    "date_time": "@dateTime"
                    // output

    "date_time": {
        "date": "1975-12-08 03:11:17.000000",
        "timezone_type": 3,
        "timezone": "UTC"


Generate a DateTime between January 1, 0001, and now

No Args:

    "date_time": "@dateTimeAD"
                    // output

    "date_time": {
        "date": "0325-10-28 13:16:47.000000",
        "timezone_type": 3,
        "timezone": "UTC"


Generate an ISO8601 formatted string between January 1, 0001 and now

No Args:

    "date_time": "@iso8601"
                    // output

    "date_time": "1995-01-13T19:58:26+0000"


Generate a date string, with a given format By default, 'Y-m-d' are used for the format.


  • format: Y-m-d
    "date_time": "@date"
                    // output

    "date_time": "1974-03-05"

    "date_time": "@date:Y/M/D"
                    // output

    "date_time": "1972/Dec/Wed"


Generate a time string, with a given format. By default, H:i:s' are used for the format.


  • format: H:i:s'
    "time": "@time"
                    // output

    "time": "17:22:00"


Generate a DateTime between two dates. By default, -30 years and now are used. An optional third parameter can be supplied, with the timezone.


  • startDate: -30 years
  • endDate: now
  • timezone: null
    "time": "@dateTimeBetween"

// output
    "time": {
        "date": "2001-06-20 10:18:08.000000",
        "timezone_type": 3,
        "timezone": "UTC"

    "time": "@dateTimeBetween:-1 week,-1 week,Asia/Bangkok"
             // output
    "time": {
        "date": "2023-05-08 01:03:07.000000",
        "timezone_type": 3,
        "timezone": "Asia/Bangkok"


Generate a DateTime between a date and an interval from that date. By default, the date is set to -30 years, and the interval is set to +5 days. An optional third parameter can be supplied, with the timezone.


  • startDate: -30 years
  • interval: +5 days
  • timezone: null
    "interval": "@dateTimeInInterval"


    "interval": {
        "date": "1993-05-16 06:30:35.000000",
        "timezone_type": 3,
        "timezone": "UTC"

    "interval": "@dateTimeInInterval:-1 year, 2 weeks"

                    // output

    "interval": {
        "date": "2022-05-18 11:16:20.000000",
        "timezone_type": 3,
        "timezone": "UTC"


Generate a DateTime that is within the current century. An optional $max value can be supplied, by default this is set to now. An optional second parameter can be supplied, with the timezone.


  • max: now
  • timezone: null
    "date_time": "@dateTimeThisCentury"
                    // output

    "date_time": {
        "date": "2018-03-27 18:02:24.000000",
        "timezone_type": 3,
        "timezone": "UTC"

    "date_time": "@dateTimeThisCentury: -20 years"
                    // output

    "date_time": {
        "date": "1951-05-14 14:55:08.000000",
        "timezone_type": 3,
        "timezone": "UTC"


Generate a DateTime that is within the current decade. An optional $max value can be supplied, by default this is set to now. An optional second parameter can be supplied, with the timezone.


  • max: now
  • timezone: null
    "date_time": "@dateTimeThisDecade"
                    // output

    "date_time": {
        "date": "2021-08-15 16:21:35.000000",
        "timezone_type": 3,
        "timezone": "UTC"


Generate a DateTime that is within the current year. An optional $max value can be supplied, by default this is set to now. An optional second parameter can be supplied, with the timezone.


  • max: now
  • timezone: null
    "date_time": "@dateTimeThisYear"
                    // output

    "date_time": {
        "date": "2023-04-04 00:27:10.000000",
        "timezone_type": 3,
        "timezone": "UTC"


Generate a DateTime that is within the current month. An optional $max value can be supplied, by default this is set to now. An optional second parameter can be supplied, with the timezone.


  • max: now
  • timezone: null
    "date_time": "@dateTimeThisMonth"
                    // output

    "date_time": {
        "date": "2023-05-01 00:15:29.000000",
        "timezone_type": 3,
        "timezone": "UTC"


Generate a random DateTime, with a given upper bound, and return the am/pm string value. By default, the upper bound is set to now.


  • max: now
    "date_time": "@amPm"
                    // output

    "date_time": "am"


Generate a random DateTime, with a given upper bound, and return the day of month string value. By default, the upper bound is set to now.


  • max: now
    "date_time": "@dayOfMonth"
                    // output

    "date_time": "13"


Generate a random DateTime, with a given upper bound, and return the day of week string value. By default, the upper bound is set to now.


  • max: now
    "date_time": "@dayOfWeek"
                    // output

    "date_time": "Monday"


Generate a random DateTime, with a given upper bound, and return the month's number string value. By default, the upper bound is set to now.


  • max: now
    "date_time": "@month"
                    // output

    "date_time": "10"


Generate a random DateTime, with a given upper bound, and return the month's name string value. By default, the upper bound is set to now.


  • max: now
    "date_time": "@monthName"
                    // output

    "date_time": "August"


Generate a random DateTime, with a given upper bound, and return the year's string value. By default, the upper bound is set to now.


  • max: now
    "date": "@year"
                    // output

    "date": "2007"


Generate a random century name.

No Args:

    "century": "@century"
                    // 'IX', 'XVII', 'II'

    "century": "VIII"


Generate a random timezone name.


  • countryCode
    "timezone": "@timezone"
                    // output

    "timezone": "Asia/Tehran"